Thursday, February 20, 2014

What's Your Mode of Transportation on R Day?

In early childhood curriculum we teach about transportation.  Transportation is anything that takes you from one place to another.   On R Day I wanted the kids to create a mode of transportation for themselves!

First, I prepared a variety of shapes in different colors and sizes.

Second, I let them decide what they wanted to create.  Was it going to be a rocket or a wagon?  A bus or an airplane?  Then they made their vehicle with the shapes provided.

Third, we incorporated our math skills by answering some simple math questions.  How many circles?  How many squares?  How many rectangles?  How many triangles?

Forth, I had them write what vehicle they created.  Sounding out their word and writing the sounds they hear.

3...2...1...Blast off!!!  This little rocket is off to the moon!

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